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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

All The Reasons You Need Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup

By now, you’ve more than likely seen one of the ads put out by the Corn Refiners Association. The ads tell the story of a “natural” sweetener made from corn. They go on to insinuate that high fructose corn syrup has been unfairly portrayed and that this truly American ingredient is fine in moderation.

Lloyd wrote about this massive $30 million ad campaign last year. The campaign claims that high fructose corn syrup has the “same natural sweeteners as table sugar and honey.” Since then, the association has released a number of ads with the same message.

But when push comes to shove, what are the facts about high fructose corn syrup? How is it made? Is it healthy in moderation to the body and the planet? Here are the facts, so that the next time you’re asked, you can confidently dispel any high fructose corn syrup rumors.

1. The process of making high fructose corn syrup is pretty weird

First of all, there’s nothing natural about high fructose corn syrup, and it most certainly does not exist in nature.

The process starts off with corn kernels, yes, but then that corn is spun at a high velocity and combined with three other enzymes: alpha-amylase, glucoamylase, and xylose isomerase, so that it forms a thick syrup that’s way sweeter than sugar and super cheap to produce.

That’s why it’s poured into a huge majority of mass produced processed foods.

2. High fructose corn syrup does weird stuff to your body

While the commercials claim that it’s fine in moderation, the truth is that the whole problem with high fructose corn syrup in the first place, is that moderation is seemingly impossible.

The syrup interferes with the body’s metabolism so that a person can’t stop eating. It’s truly hard to control cravings because high fructose corn syrup slows down the secretion of leptin in the body. Leptin is a crucial hormone in the body that tells you that you’re full and to stop eating.

That’s why it’s so closely associated with obesity in this country. It’s like an addictive drug.

3. There might be mercury in your corn syrup

And what about the rumors of mercury being found in corn syrup?

According to MSNBC in one study, published in the Journal of Environmental Health, former Food and Drug Administration scientist Renee Dufault and colleagues tested 20 samples of high fructose corn syrup and found detectable mercury in nine of the 20 samples.

“We went and looked at supermarket samples where high fructose corn syrup was the first or second ingredient on the label,” Dr. David Wallinga, a food safety researcher and activist at the nonprofit Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy said. These 55 different foods included barbecue sauce, jam, yogurt, and chocolate syrup. “We found about one out of three had mercury above the detection limit,” Wallinga said.

4. The environmental impact of high fructose corn syrup is huge

Most corn is grown as a monoculture, meaning that the land is used solely for corn, not rotated among crops. Large monocultures, which are usually genetically modified, can be riddled with pests.

As a result, monocultures are often dressed with a toxic cocktail of pesticides so that they can survive. Monocultures can deplete the nutrients in soil and lead to erosion.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Toxic Cooking ~ Dangers Of heating or Cooking Food in Plastics~ Keep Your Family Safe~

Don't Inject Your Brain With Chemicals

Regardless of the type of container always error on the side of safety and use quality cookware, like these seen to the left. Use extreme caution when heating food in the microwave if the containers are plastics.. Containers that are quote” Microwave Approved” may not meet standards for you or your child if you were aware of the chemistry under heat. Always error on the side of safety.
An example of a typical material Melamine can be very toxic and unstable under heat. Here are some details about Melamine:

Melamine resin is known as a thermoset plastic, because the plastic is fixed after molding.
 If exposed to enough heat, melamine will decompose. For this reason, melamine dishware should not be exposed to high temperatures like those in the oven and microwave.
The plastic is able to withstand higher temperatures than other plastics, however. Because it is a thermoset plastic, melamine resin is difficult to recycle.
Melamine resin is manufactured by mixing melamine with formaldehyde, and sometimes urea, under heat and pressure. The substances begin to polymerize and are forced into a mold which will create the desired shape. Under pressure, melamine releases water, which could make the plastic unstable if it is not removed. The materials finish polymerizing and create a finished product, melamine resin.

Melamine can be made into a foam product. Melamine foam has a distinctive structure composed of stacked bubble shapes, which are extremely hard and therefore can easily clean a wide variety of substances. Melamine foam is marketed under a variety of commercial names including Magic Eraser, a cleaning tool well known for removing scuffs and dirt from a wide range of surfaces.
Melamine resin is used in Formica and similar construction products made from composite materials. Formica is made using melamine resin, which is used to coat the fibers in the upper layer of the construction product. The melamine resin makes the end result heat resistant, so that hot objects can be set on the counter without concern. The surface of the material is designed to be easily wiped and cleaned, creating a long lived household product.

A convenient  product but these chemicials should not be leached into your food or ingested in any way. This problem is not specific to Melamine but is an example of the chemicial composition of plastics and the danger it presents if we use these materials for cooking our food.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Surprising Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide

The following is only a partial listing of conditions in which H202 therapy has been used successfully. (Many of these conditions are serious, if not life-threatening. As always, I would highly recommend seeking the advice and guidance of a doctor experienced in the use of these techniques.)
Allergies Headaches
Altitude Sickness Herpes Simplex
Alzheimer's Herpes Zoster
Anemia HIV Infection
Arrhythmia Influenza
Asthma Insect Bites
Bacterial Infections Liver Cirrhosis
Bronchitis Lupus Erythematosis
Cancer Multiple Sclerosis
Candida Parasitic Infections
Cardiovascular Disease Parkinsonism
Cerebral Vascular Disease Periodontal Disease
Chronic Pain Prostatitis
Diabetes Type 11 Rheumatoid Arthritis
Diabetic Gangrene Shingles
Diabetic Retinopahty Sinusitis
Digestion Problems Sore Throat
Epstein-Barr Infection Ulcers
Emphysema Viral Infections
Food Allergies Warts
Fungal Infections Yeast Infections

Let's look at several conditions that seem to respond especially well to H202 therapy. First, keep in mind that there are two methods of administering the peroxide-1) orally and 2) intravenously. While most conditions respond remarkably to oral ingestion, emphysema is one condition in which intravenous infusion can be a godsend. Emphysema involves destruction of the alveoli (the small air sacs in the lungs). Although chemical fumes and other irritants can cause the destruction, it is most often the result of smoking. As the disease progresses, the patient finds it more and more difficult to breathe. A wheel chair and supplemental oxygen become necessary as the disease progresses. Lack of adequate oxygen reaching the tissues forces the heart to pump more forcefully. This leads to high blood pressure, enlargement of the heart itself and eventually heart failure. Conventional medicine offers little help for emphysema. There is no cure. The best that can be hoped for is symptomatic relief and the prevention of any serious complications that might result in death. H202 therapy can offer more. Using 1 ounce of 35% peroxide per 1 gallon of non-chlorinated water in a vaporizer improves nighttime breathing tremendously. But intravenous infusion holds the real key to relief. It has the ability to cleanse the inner lining of the lungs and restore the ability to breathe.